Hello World! I'm Jackson, an avid Computer Science Student at UBC (University of British Columbia) and Software Engineer Co-op at Realtor.com (Move Inc). I'm passionate about applying the potential of technology in efforts toward building a more sustainable planet.
I am also a strong advocate for integrating technology and healthcare.
When I'm not coding, I'm outdoors exploring! Like the outdoors, I'm always excited for opportunities to learn and explore!
Work / Projects
Full-Stack Blog
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery
React Native, Google Vision OCR API
Google Firebase, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery
HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, JSON, Git
Java, JUnit, JSON, XML, IntelliJ IDEA
Technical Skills
C / C++
Libraries / Frameworks
React Native
Personal Project - React Native App using Google Vision
Built a React Native app that uses RNCamera and Google Vision’s OCR API to detect text from the image taken. The API response is parsed to extract URLs in the text.
These URLs are then dynamically displayed as buttons on a modal, where each button opens the corresponding URL in the device’s native browser.
Hackathon Project - Prescription Reminder Web App
A web app that connects patients with family members by allowing them to receive notifications on whether the patient has taken their medication or not. If not,
the web app provides an automated reminding service. Implemented Firebase Authentication allowing users to sign-in with Gmail. Designed a data structure and implemented back-end using Firebase Realtime Database APIs to store user’s list of medication, time to intake, etc.
This project was done in a team of 4 at XdHacks 2019 and is incomplete.
Personal Project - Google Chrome Productivity Extension
GetDistracted is a Google Chrome Productivity Extension that enables website blocking which requires either solving a math problem or waiting on a timer to unblock. The project employed event-handling techniques using mainly jQuery with promises to handle asynchronous callbacks.
I learned to use the Chrome Cookies API to store the websites’ information, while pulling data from cookies to dynamically display a list of websites blocked. I also used the WebRequest API to block and redirect URL requests.
Academic Project - Android Transit Tracking App
BusesAreUs is the UBC CPSC 210 (Software Construction) Term Project - the development of an Android transit app displaying real-time bus routes, arrivals and stops on a map GUI. We used the Genymotion virtual emulator
for the development/testing process. The app parses raw JSON/XML data (e.g. longitude/latitude coordinates) to display in various components of the app. We also wrote comprehensive JUnit test suites to ensure accuracy, improve code robustness and maintain high code coverage.
Code is not publicly available as some components of the project was written/provided by CS instructors at UBC.
Project TOL
Personal Project - Full-Stack Blog
The blog is developed using PHP 7, MySQL, HTML 5, and CSS 3 (Bootstrap).
Currently, the blog enables users to write public/private postings (w/ images attached) as well as log-in authentication, account creation,
password reset via an emailed link following SMTP and many other cool features!