Jackson Yuan
UBC Computer Science Student
& Software Engineer Co-op

About Me

-- About Me --

Jackson Yuan

Software Engineer Co-op at Realtor.com (Move Inc)

Hello World! I'm Jackson, an avid Computer Science Student at UBC (University of British Columbia) and Software Engineer Co-op at Realtor.com (Move Inc). I'm passionate about applying the potential of technology in efforts toward building a more sustainable planet. I am also a strong advocate for integrating technology and healthcare.

When I'm not coding, I'm outdoors exploring! Like the outdoors, I'm always excited for opportunities to learn and explore!

Work / Projects

Full-Stack Blog

PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery


React Native, Google Vision OCR API


Google Firebase, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery


HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, JSON, Git


Java, JUnit, JSON, XML, IntelliJ IDEA

Technical Skills


  • JavaScript

  • PHP

  • Java

  • C / C++

  • SQL

  • HTML 5

  • CSS 3

  • XML / JSON

Libraries / Frameworks

  • jQuery

  • Node.js

  • Express.js

  • React Native

  • JUnit